Facts You Did Not Know About Paints
We all love to see and put paints all over our place. We want to enhance our property through painting and beautifying. We could not deny that a property that does not have fully-furnished paint is dry and unpleasant to look at by people.
There are many reasons why home and property owners opted to paint their property. Paints protect anything, especially when you are exposing them to direct heat and weather changes. Aside from protection, paints provide a welcoming effect to guests and visitors. It enhances your interior design and exterior. A good blend of paints will enhance the curb appeal of your property and increases the value.
Home painting is like investing into something that is worth it. We could not deny that once we have exemplary outdoor and indoor parts of our home, we can have comfort and relaxations. The comfort and relaxation is essential in having and choosing the right paints for your home. It is best to ensure that you will have paint colors that will lighten your mood during stressful times.
Paint colors are sign of many things that relate to cultures and traditions across the world. It is made of different materials that depend on the country. Since paints have been in the market for quite long, there are varieties of information about them. However, there are still facts that you did not know about paints. It includes the following:
- Sherwin Williams during 1866 is the first person to bring a ready-to-use paint. In the past, you should mix the paints manually with the use of many materials. The materials include olive oils, earth pigments, milk, eggs, linseed oils, and many more. Years after, the invention of tin cans for paints preservation is invented.
- Did you know that paints have been used for more than 30,000 years? Yes, you read it right. Cave dwellers in the past drawn things using paints way back.
- There are many meanings when you opted to color your doors with red. In the past, the United States symbolizes the red doors as a safe place to sleep in the evening. Likewise, during the Civil War, red doors mean safe home for slaves who are trying to hide from the North in the Underground Railroad.
- Way back 19400s; the linseed oil which is one of the ingredients for paint production has been out of stock. With this incident, chemists discovered things to produce artificial resins. In this manner, they made paint affordable and much durable compared to the old paints.
- Plato, a Greek Philosopher mixed primary colors and creates a new set of colors. He is recognized for this discovery and writings about them.
- More than 1.57 billion gallons of paints are purchased and used by the United States of America. Can you imagine how plenty of colors they use each year?
- Way back 1978, the United States disallow the use of lead paints because of the effects. Lead paints are toxic and harm people, especially children.